Canvas I have a dream et Joyeuses Pâques / Happy Easter!

Catégorie : Mixed Media

Bonjour à tous,  Hi Everyone. A quick little post to wish everyone a Happy Easter. I hope you all have a wonderful bank holiday weekend. Comment allez-vous ?.. Bien j’espère, pendant ce week-end de Pâques, et avec ce soleil qui règne encore … Lire la suite

Un petit tableau de Noël / A christmas trees canvas (DT Crafty Individuals)

Catégorie : DT Crafty Individuals

Hello and welcome! Christmas is around the corner and I want to show you a ‘Winter magic’ creation before the festive season has ended hopefully! Snow always comes to mind when I think of ‘Winter Magic’, so here’s my snowy scene … Lire la suite

Un carnet décoré pour le nouveau challenge Crafty Individuals / Sketchbook for May challenge at Crafty Individuals

Catégorie : DT Crafty Individuals

Bonjour à tous, Hello everyone. First a little note to all my friends, I miss you on your blogs… But time has become too precious and rare at the moment for blogging as much as before, sadly. As a freelance teacher I’m overloaded … Lire la suite

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