Bonjour, Hi everyone.
J’ai eu envie de rejouer avec mes tampons Stampooooooooootique !!!! ^^ ça faisait longtemps… 🙂
Voici trois petites cartes faites aux encres à alcool sur papier glossy. Des cartes faites il y a déjà un bon moment… Elles combinent plusieurs challenges successifs du blog Stampotique, n’ayant pas eu le temps de poster ma réa à temps avant la fin de chacun de ces challenges ! du coup elles répondent au thème d’Arwen, qui demandait de la couleur… au thème sur les arbres… Et puis, comme je suis tombée en admiration devant la carte super adorable de mon amie Samantha (bon, en fait, TOUTES ses cartes sont vraiment ADORABLES. Mais celle-ci, je ne sais pas trop pourquoi, m’avait furieusement donné envie de sortir ce tampon d’arbre (Birch Tree) jamais encré encore, et d’essayer sa technique), du coup j’ai eu envie de continuer et finir ces cartes!
Et aujourd’hui, c’est le challenge de Sue qui me fait de l’oeil hihi, l’occasion rêvée de poster enfin cette série de cartes sur le blog Stampotique, et de les partager avec vous. Le thème en est: « Quelque chose fait en moins de 30 minutes » Ce qui est à peu près le cas pour ces cartes, allez, on va pas chipoter hein!… :D)
I’m baaaack at Stampooooootique fun, yep!!! My Stampotique stamps itching to be inked up again – the first time for some of them – 🙂
The challenge this week over at Stampotique is hosted by the lovely Sue. She is challenging us to a « Time Challenge, to make something in 30 minutes or less. »
« We can sometimes get caught up in making big production pieces. My challenge to you this week is to make something in 30 minutes or less (not including time taken to gather your supplies) I look forward to seeing what you create. »
And here is my little offering to Sue’s challenge. I made three little cards (I was so happy with the first one that I couldn’t stop after that hahaha). Made onto glossy paper, using alcohol inks and my acrylic markers to colour the characters.
I must confess (with big smiles) that although my cards look rather simple, my creative process was NOT… I have a little story for you: At first, I was inspired by Arwen’s challenge… it was all about colours… Thinking to alcohol inks, and creating very quickly a colourful background, nice and fun to do! So a really goos start in my opinion. But, I had no time to finish and enter the challenge before the deadline – like very often I must confess (this is a serious problem, I’m more slow than a snail sometimes oops lol) – so I stopped the process there. Next, there was a ‘Trees’ challenge.. I can’t remember who was hosting this one.. But again, it was too late to do it in time of course! (why is a week sooooo short???). And then a bit later, I found myself in awe in front of an adorable card by Sam with a tree (well, they are all adorable, but this one for example was such a cutie!!!!). Couldn’t resist anymore to follow her way and give another chance to my alcohol ink initial card… Had fun with the masked tree… made two more… but again, it was too late to participate arghhhh!!!!!
So this time, with Sue’s challenge, I said to myself: ‘I MUST do it in time!!!’ And done! 🙂
I took each card approximately 30 minutes, really a challenge for me LOL! 😀 I hope you like it 🙂
J’ai joué avec les tampons Stampotique Originals suivants:
Playing with the following Stampotique stamps:
Birch Tree (Janet Klein)
Crowd (Janet Klein)
Ponytail (Roc Nicholas)
Enjoy Today (Maria Sabina Raita)
Starbird with Chick (Jo Capper-Sandon)
Friends hold you up when you rest your little wings (Carol’s collection)
Ces joyeuses cartounettes ont été envoyées à une chère petite puce pour son anniversaire, et à une amie que je ne vois pas souvent mais que j’apprécie beaucoup… Et qui je pense l’a bien reçue, depuis le temps! ^^
Je garde pour l’instant la 3ème pour exemple, au cas où il me prendrait l’envie d’en refaire du même style en atelier.
Bon week-end à tous et toutes!
So happy to have found the time to join in the fun at Stampotique… It’s been a while since I did it!!! Good to play with the team, among them some really good crafty friends of mine I have been following for quite a while.
Thank you for dropping by, and I wish you all a lovely week-end!
Hugs Coco xx
elles sont très jolies !!
sympa toutes ces couleurs, A+
Ces cartes sur un air naïf sont superbes.
J’ai la tête sous l’eau mais je ne t’oublie pas. Bises
Très belle série de cartes, je craque pour la dernière. Bon dimanche. Bises.
Superbe!!!!! Great fun! Bravo!
All three are beautiful! I think the « Crowd » card is my favorite. You do know that you have until the end of the month to enter your card in the challenges? Just remember to put the challenge number after your name in the Inlinkz!
And thanks for playing along with us at Stampotique Designers Challenges!
Bon j’ai essayé mais non… c’est pas aujourd’hui que les stampotiques me séduisent! Ce qui n’enlève rien a ta créativité évidente dans ces 3 réas.
Elles sont superbes tes cartes. Ce côté naïf c’est tout à fait charmant. Bon dimanche.
Jac de Besac
Cartes rigolotes. Bon dimanche. Bises,.
Elles sont trop bien, pleines de fraîcheur, joyeuses, pleine de créativité, bravo à toi, e magnifiques réalisations. Bon dimanche et à très bientôt bisous mimi
cricri du 37
Coup d cœur pour la 3 mais elles sont toutes jolies !!
Bigggggggggggggggg bisous ensoleillés du dimanche et tout plein de douces pensées et d’Amoitiéssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!
elles sont adorables tes cartes ! bon dimanche ma coco bisous
Hello sweet Coco, Three wonderful cards, you got fab colours on all of them and I really like your sentiments, half an hour isn’t very long to make a card, I think you did brilliantly xx
Un Merveilleux trio de cartes joyeuses, bravooooo!!!!
ScrapbizOOOOOOUS XXL de bon dimanche
trop craquantes, surtout les deux premières!!! bisous
Marilou 1
Elles sont trop belles ces 3 cartes !
sue the iron
Aww Coco these are beautiful, I love how you’ve used the little Starbird chick. 30 minutes is such a challenge isn’t it lol. Thank you so much for playing along with us this week at Stampotique. Sue xx
What fabulous fun cards – and the perfect challenge theme for you with your busy workshop schedule! It was so lovely to read your comments – I’ve been a bad visitor too with being so far from home and busy with work and sight-seeing – but happy to have a bit of time today to catch up with my friends in Craftyblogland!
Alison x
Que c’est mimi, c’est très enfantin, préférence pour la dernière! bisous
elles sont bien rigolotes ces cartes
Lovely to see you back, Coco! Great cards too ! Thanks for joining us over at Stampotique this week ! Corrie x
Julie S
All three of these are fabulous! I love the pops of color.
Oh ! Quel joli univers !! J’aime !
Shari T.
Oh, what a wonderful trio of cards, Coco!! I have some Stampotique images that haven’t been inked up either–blasphemy! LOL I Love the brightness & playfulness of each card and YAY for each creation being made under 30 minutes! Now that’s inspiring!! XOXO-Shari
Elles sont super mimis Coco « so cute » Gros bisous
How I love this trio!
Yes, for my they are bold BUT that is what I admire about them. I would be too timid to create with such bold colours and wish I could be as brave as you are, you work with colour so beautifully and it seems so effortlessly, it comes so naturally to you.
elles sont rigolottes
gros bisous ma douce amie
Samantha Read
Corinne to say I love these cute cards is not enough! I always love what you make.
Big hugs xxx
Kay Wallace
You and Stampotique are a natural pairing, Coco, so am glad to see you back and answering their great challenges! Great cards from you here, my friend! Mwah!
Très mimi tes jolies cartes… marrant le cheval… Bisous